Request a Workshop

PSWP workshops are tailored to the diverse professional development needs of PEF-represented and Management/Confidential (M/C) employees. This form can be used by Agency Liaisons, management representatives, or union representatives to request delivery of a workshop on behalf of your agency.

Requests for workshops will be evaluated by the PSWP Advisory Committee, which is comprised of representatives from OER and PEF. The PSWP Advisory Committee reviews requests usually every six weeks. The entire process may take several months. Please plan accordingly.

Please complete one form for each delivery and/or workshop topic.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk. *

Requested workshop

Primary contact person for this workshop request

Check all that apply to primary contact.

Is there a secondary contact person for this workshop request?

If so, list his/her contact information below.

Check all that apply to secondary contact.

Where would you like this workshop to be delivered?

What is the preferred timeframe for delivery of this workshop?

(e.g., “in 8-10 weeks” or “summer 20xx”)

What is the preferred delivery method for this workshop?

Are you seeking CEUs for this workshop?


Estimated number of participants in the target audience

Workshop details